VicRoads becomes the latest state regulator to approve the Blade TMA

In addition to being nationally recommended for acceptance by Austroads, the Blade TMA has now been approved for use on Victorian roads at state level. Austroads announced its transition to the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) guidelines in April 2018. While Austroads makes national recommendations, the individual state regulators are ultimately responsible for making […]
INNOV8 Equipment at the forefront of road safety and compliance with certified Verdegro product training

Imagine yourself or a loved one working in close proximity to a busy road. It only takes a single distracted driver to ignore warning signals and crash into what’s ahead of their lane. What if there is nothing in-between you and the colliding vehicle? Participation in a recent and highly valuable training course allows our […]
IVECO trucks provide quality platform for Blade TMA
Why is the IVECO Eurocargo our choice of platform for the Verdegro Blade Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA)? Performance, comfort and class. IVECO has been an excellent choice of partner for us at Innov8 Equipment because of shared interests in safety, environmental performance and ease of use. For over 12 months we have been mounting Verdegro […]
Austroads announcement signifies important safety changes for traffic management industry
Are you aware of how industry changes might affect your fleet of Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMA’s) and other traffic control equipment? Do your TMAs comply with the latest in Australian safety crash testing and compliance standards? In a letter published by the Austroads industry body on 23 April 2018, it announced a transition from current […]