When working on a road project there are several considerations that effect what equipment is required. One major component to this is ensuring that the equipment is appropriate for the job and compliant with all relevant standards. Safety considerations should always be the priority for project coordinators and procurement officers as they are responsible for ensuring materials are to standard.
Have you considered making modifications such as drop wells, sign cages and installing visual warning systems?
These modifications can be greatly beneficial to people working on the ground. Drop wells are cut outs in the chassis of the vehicle that enable people to stand in the gaps and be close to ground level. This helps improve the relative safety of workers while enabling them to drop off cones as the vehicle slowly moves forward.
Productivity is also increased because of the time saved by workers not having to use as much effort to place the cones. Plus, this helps avoid the cycle of bending up and down which can bring on problems such as back pain.
Sign cages are another great addition which increase organization and safety. While not a new idea, they certainly can make a difference to your traffic vehicle and should be fabricated and installed to standard.
Visual warning systems such as beacon lights, VMS Boards and Arrow Boards are also useful upgrades for a traffic vehicle. These provide advanced warning to other motorists and can easily be set up to be controlled from the safety of inside the vehicle.
What about a Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA)?
On an appropriate host vehicle a TMA can add another layer of protection. Through the introduction of a physical barrier between workers and traffic it helps to minimize potential risk of traffic impacting workers.
At INNOV8 Equipment, our vehicles can come equipped with many different modifications. Our eye for innovation and qualified team ensure the safety and compliance of the vehicles we create.
Innovation is built into every job we complete and is at the core of our business. With safety in mind, we know how to build traffic management vehicles that will meet customer needs. While safety is considered as top priority, we try to be as innovative as possible.
To find out more about custom fit outs, click here, or contact the INNOV8 Equipment today.
Ph: 1300 071 007